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CABOZANTINIB 60MG [Cabometyx 60mg]


Cabometyx,Cabometyx 60mg,Cabometyx 60mg tablet
Cabometyx 60mg

Cabometyx 60mg is a prescription medicine required to treat people with medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) which has spread to other parts of the body known as metastatic MTC.
Cabometyx 60mg is highly protein bound and there is a hypothetical risk that it will displace combination withwarfarin, so INR monitoring is recommended.
Cabometyx 60mg is not known if using in childrensafe and effective.


Cabometyx,Cabometyx 60mg,Cabometyx 60mg tablet
Cabometyx 60mg

Cabometyx 60mg tablet is Indicated for following conditions;
The treatment of Metastatic medullary thyroid cancer
The treatment of Advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) who have getting before anti-angiogenic therapy.
The treatment of Hepatocellular cancer who have previously received sorafenib.


Cabometyx,Cabometyx 60mg,Cabometyx 60mg tablet
Cabometyx 60mg

Cabozantinib is also known as targeted therapy whichaims and attach to the tyrosine kinase receptors and prohibits the activity of multiple tyrosine kinases, contains RET, MET, and VEGF on the surface of the cell.
By connecting to these receptors, Cabozantinib stops important pathways whichdevelop cell division.


Ingredients : Cabozantinib
Strength : 60mg
Package : 30 tablets


Maximum plasma concentration is observed in 2-5 hours
Human serum protein bounding of Cabometyx is ≥ 99.7%
Mostly metabolized by CYP3A4 and minorly by CYP2C9.
The drug excreted mostly via feces 54 % and in urine 27% and half-life is 55 hours.


Cabometyx,Cabometyx 60mg,Cabometyx 60mg tablet
Cabometyx 60mg

Do not substitute Cabometyx tablets with Cabozantinib capsules.
The prescribed dose of Cabometyx is 60 mg.
Administration Cabometyx is without food.
Tell the patients don’t not havefood for at least 2 hours before and 1 hour after taking cabometyx.
Continue the treatment until patient no longer experiences clinical benefit or experiences unacceptable toxicity.
Swallow Cabometyx tablets whole. Do not crush Cabometyx tablets.


Cabometyx,Cabometyx 60mg,Cabometyx 60mg tablet
Cabometyx 60mg

• Interrupt the Cabometyx 60mg in patients who develop an acute myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, or any other clinically significant arterial thromboembolic complication.
• Interrupt the Cabometyx 60mg for patient if have severe hypertension that cannot be controlled with anti-hypertensive therapy.
• Checkthe patients for symptoms of perforations and fistulas, included abscess. discontinueCabometyx 20mg in patients who experience a perforation or a fistula.
• Avoid administration Cabometyx 60mg tablet to patients with a present history of patients with haemorrhage or haemoptysis.
• Advice pregnant women aboutpossible risk to a foetus. Hence inform females of reproductive possible to use effective contraception during treatment with Cabometyx 60mg and for 4 months after the last dose.


• GI perforations and fistulas
• Thrombotic events
• Hypertension and hypertensive crisis
• Diarrhea
• Palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia
• Haemorrhage
• Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome
• Weight loss
• Decreased appetite
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Oral pain
• Neutropenia
• Low platelets
• Taste changes
• Hair colour changes
• High blood pressure
• Low potassium
• Hair loss
• Dizziness
• Joint pain
• Swallowing trouble
• Muscle spasms
• Dyspepsia (indigestion)
• Skin redness
• Reduced sodium


Pregnancy Category is D: Based on studies of animal and mechanism of action, Cabometyx 60mg will cause risk to fetus when given to pregnant women.
Avoid pregnancy while on treatment with Cabometyx 60mg.


Advise the women not to breastfed to infants while on treatment with Cabometyx 60mg drugs because of possible risk to the fetus.


Store the drug at 20°C to 25°C
Keep away from the children resistances






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