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Revolade 75mg tablets | Eltrombopag | MHP



Eltrombopag is sold under the brand name Revolade and it is a man-made form of a protein that increases production of platelets (blood-clotting cells) in your body.
Revolade 75mg can reduces the risk of bleeding by increasing platelets in your blood.
Revolade 75mg which is used asprescription drug under the guidance of the medical practioners


Revolade,Revolade 75mg
Revolade 75mg

Revolade 75mg tablet isan anticancer medication which is;
Indicated for the treatment of patients having Severe aplastic Anemia
• First line treatment of severe aplastic Anemia
• Treatment of refractory severe aplastic Anemia
Indicated for the treatment to stimulate the growth and development of platelets in the bone marrow
Primarily indicated for the treatment of patients having reduced platelet counts due to chronic hepatitis C virus infection 


Eltrombopag consist of class of drugs known as thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor agonists. A class of drugs is a group of medications which work in a same way.
Eltrombopag mechanism by raising cells in your bone marrow and causes these cells to make more platelets. This effect reduces your risk of bleeding. 
Revolade,Revolade 75mg
Revolade 75mg


Revolade,Revolade 75mg
Ingredients : Eltrombopag 
Strength : 75mg

Package : 7 tablets in a strip 


High plasma concentration is 2-6 hours

Maximum human plasma protein bounding is >99% and in blood plasma level is 50% to 79%

generally metabolised via cleavage, oxidation and conjugation with glucuronic acid.

Revolade 75mg eliminated mainly via feces 59%, along with 31% via renally excreted
Revolade 75mg Half-life for healthy patients is 21-23 hours and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is 26-35 hours.


Revolade,Revolade 75mg
Revolade 75mg

• The usual dose for Chronic Hepatitis C-associated Thrombocytopenia is 25 mg PO qDay. Dose is managed in 25 mg accretion q2weeks PRN to attain target Plt needed to start/control antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin; not to exceed 100 mg/day 

• Severe Aplastic Anemia :

1.First-line therapy :
When combination with standard immunosuppressive treatment, for patients with serious aplastic Anemia (SAA)
The usual dose for severe Aplastic Anemia: 150 mg PO qDay for 6 months
Avoid taking of more than starting dose; total duration is 6 months 

2.Refractory SAA :

In this condition the drug given who fail to respond enough to at least 1 before immunosuppressive therapy 
The usual dose for Refractory SAA: 50 mg PO qDay 
• The recommended dose for Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenia is 50 mg PO qDay Adjust dose to manage and control platelet count (Plt) >50 x 10^9/L to reduce the risk of bleeding; not to exceed 75 mg/day 


• The drug Revolade 75mg tablet may have high risk of severe and probably life-threatening hepatotoxicity; monitor liver function before and during treatment
• While receiving the drug, if patient with hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class A, B, C) initiates therapy for first- line treatment of severe aplastic Anemia, reduce initial dose
• When treatment, If the patients have cataracts, do not use the drug due to the 
Revolade 75mg effects cataracts and make the condition worse.
• Avoid the 
Revolade 75mg tablet while the patients have myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), will increases the risk of death.
• While on treatment with drug Revolade then Portal vein thrombosis reported in patients with chronic liver disease. 


Common side effects of Revolade 75mg :
• Headache
• Cough
• Loss of appetite
• Flu
• Reduced red blood cells
• Diarrhoea
• Nausea
• Fever
• Weakness
Serious side effects of Revolade 75mg :
• Swelling of legs
• Abdomen swelling
• Confusion
• Chest pain
• Dyspnea
• Cloudy vision
• Urine in dark colour
• Yellowing of your skin
• Sensitivity to light
• Seeing circles around lights 


Pregnancy category is C
Safety of drug during pregnancy is not established


During breast feeding, avoid using of drug Revolade75mg


Store at room temperature 20°C and 25°C.


PHONE NO: +91-9940472902


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